Do you use lighted arrow nocks? They add weight which can change your trajectory slightly, but did you know it also stiffens your arrows dynamic spine in this case? it’s not usually a huge deal unless you’re not tuned well to begin with. If you’re like me however and want to have confidence that your practice setup flies just like your hunting setup, you can modify standard nocks so they weigh the same as lighted nocks. The video below shows how I do it.
Personally, I love lighted arrow nocks. Growing up there were situations where I took a shot in the last few minutes of shooting light and questioned where the arrow hit. Usually the opportunities arise so fast, the deer is there and gone before you even have time to comprehend what just happened. Maybe adrenaline got the best of you and you can’t remember where your arrow hit: “It was a good shot. Was it? Maybe it was a bit back… it sounded good, I think.” One of my hunting buddies shot his first archery deer two seasons ago. We asked him where the shot landed, and he stated that the arrow struck just behind the shoulder. After 400 yards of tracking, we backed out. Turns out he hit that deer in front of the shoulder, and fortunately died shortly after we’d quit searching the night before. Knowing exactly where the arrow hit can be crucial in situations such as bear hunting, where a poor decision to track a wounded bear in the dark can end in serious harm. Lighted arrow nocks might be shunned by some of the traditionalists out there, but I could never condemn their use. Not to mention, they show up great on video!